The Wireless Waffle resistor colour code calculator is a simple tool which helps identify the colour bands which would be found on a resistor of a particular value. Two results are presented. At the top, and in beige, is a 5% tolerance resistor. Note that the same colour codes would also be true of a 10% resistor except the final band would be silver instead of gold (however, 10% tolerance resistors are relatively rare). The second, and in pale blue, is a 1% tolerance resistor.
Resistor values can be entered as either:
- Whole numbers (i.e. 470 or 3300),
- Decimals, with or without a multiplier (i.e. 3.3 or 4.7K), or
- Replacing the decimal point with a multiplier, either K or M (i.e. 6K8 or 1M2).
Note that the letter 'R' to denote 'Ohms' is not required.

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