Wireless Waffle - A whole spectrum of radio related rubbish

What are the chances (Part IIa)?signal strength
Wednesday 25 August, 2010, 04:10 - Pirate/Clandestine
Posted by Administrator
Back in October 2009, Wireless Waffle brought to your attention the HF (short-wave) monitoring data produced on a quarterly basis by the ITU. Within these reports were a number of short-wave pirate stations and the original list of stations brought a lot of interest from these stations, both to see who had been 'caught' and to see how close the ITU had gotten to identifying their exact location. Based on the e-mails that were received following the article, it seems like some had hit the nail a little too closely on the head for comfort.

To see how the ITU were getting along, and who had been spotted more recently, a trawl of the montoring reports from January to June 2010 has been conducted and the results presented below. Those stations whose name is shown in CAPITALS were directly identified by the monitoring station concerned. Those in lower case have been identified using the various on-line blogs that report pirate reception.

DateTime (UTC)Freq (kHz)Monitoring StationLocationStation
03 Feb 100600-06004025Berlin, GermanyUKLaser Hot Hits
23 Feb 100000-06304025Tarnok, HungaryLaser Hot Hits
23 Feb 101830-23594025Tarnok, HungaryLaser Hot Hits
21 Apr 101830-24004025Berlin, GermanyLaser Hot Hits
02 May 100600-23594025Rambouillet, France0W10 52N01 (Baldock, UK!)Laser Hot Hits
23 May 100000-06304015Tarnok, HungaryLaser Hot Hits
16 May 101900-22125814.7Rambouillet, France0E17 52N45 (King's Lynn, UK)Radio Telstar South
16 May 100700-09155815Rambouillet, France6E11 52N30 (Zwolle, Netherlands)Orion Radio
27 Jun 100630-08205820Tarnok, HungaryOrion Radio
11 Apr 100854-09086203Vienna, AustriaRadio Scotland International
09 Feb 1010486210.2CCRM, BelgiumNetherlandsMISTI RADIO
10 Jan 101818-22466220El Casar, Spain11E24 44N27 (Bologna, Italy)Mystery Radio
20 Jan 101812-23506220El Casar, Spain11E24 44N27 (Bologna, Italy)Mystery Radio
30 Jan 1020026220Baldock, UK10E0 43N50 (Pisa, Italy)MYSTERY RADIO
28 Feb 101100-11376220Vienna, Austria11E0 44N0 (Prato, Italy)RADIO MARABU
06 Mar 101800-23506220El Casar, Spain11E24 44N27 (Bologna, Italy)Mystery Radio
21 Mar 102012-23556220El Casar, Spain11E24 44N27 (Bologna, Italy)Mystery Radio
06 Apr 101852-19176220Vienna, AustriaItalyMYSTERY RADIO
10 Apr 101900-23596220El Casar, Spain11E24 44N27 (Bologna, Italy)MYSTERY RADIO
13 Jun 101730-18006220Klagenfurt, Austria12E0 43N0 (Perugia, Italy)Mystery Radio
14 Jun 101700-19006220Rambouillet, France10E43 43N45 (Prato, Italy)MISTERY RADIO
15 Jun 100700-08006255Rambouillet, FranceNetherlandsCool AM
19 Jun 101530-16456374.1Rambouillet, France4E13 51N59 (Den Haag, Netherlands)Radio Baken 16
09 Feb 1009446299.2CCRM, BelgiumRADIO RAINBOW
30 Apr 101918-20056375Vienna, AustriaNetherlandsRadio Relmus
09 Feb 1009146376.6CCRM, BelgiumNetherlandsRADIO DUTCH WING
20 Jun 101015-16006399.9Rambouillet, France1W45 51N21 (Marlborough, UK)Laser 558 relay
11 Mar 101815-22006870El Casar, Spain9E7 45N18 (Milan, Italy)RADIO PLAYBACK INT
11 Apr 101500-17006959.9Rambouillet, France4E39 51N41 (Breda, Netherlands)Radio Jan Van Gent
03 Jan 1008007610El Casar, SpainItalyRADIO AMICA
10 Apr 100600-21157610Rambouillet, France12E56 43N55 (Pesaro, Italy)RADIO AMICA
11 Apr 100530-06007610Rambouillet, France12E56 43N55 (Pesaro, Italy)RADIO AMICA
10 Apr 101247-14077610Vienna, Austria11E30 44N30 (Bologna, Italy)RADIO AMICA

Please be assured that it is not our intention to name and shame these stations in any way, nor is the Wireless Waffle team opposed to hobby broadcasting (for want of a better word) but we do believe that the stations concerned should be aware that their location may not be as secret as they had hoped.

The question of how accurate these measurements are is a good one. The level of concern that seemed to arise from the previous list suggests that they may be relatively good. However, let's take a real example. There are 10 measurements relating to Mystery Radio. Of these, five different locations are logged. The map below shows the position of these loggings.

mystery radio italy

to catch a pirateThe distance between the closest of all these measurements is around 20 miles (32 km). It is possible that this is the best resolution that some of the monitoring stations can achieve. At this kind of resolution, a ground-based receiver would be unlikely to hear the transmitter. Ground wave signals would not travel this far, and it is the ground wave signal which is required for a person on the ground to be able to 'home in' on the location of a transmitter.

So should pirate radio stations be concerned about being tracked down as a result of the work of the ITU. From the evidence above, it seems that this data alone is probably insufficient to allow a station's location to be identified in one simple move. However, if you are running one of these stations and the location which is shown is more accurate than those for Mystery Radio - and certainly if its within 5 km at which point a man on the ground would be able to track you down - perhaps it's time to up sticks and find a new site!
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