Wireless Waffle - A whole spectrum of radio related rubbish

Resistor Colour Codessignal strength
Monday 1 February, 2021, 19:54 - Much Ado About Nothing
Posted by Administrator
It's been a while since anything new was added to Wireless Waffle which is for no other reason than a shift in focus to things more practical. During the Covid lock-ups time has been spent re-igniting an age-old passion for electronic construction projects.

As part of those projects, it became necessary to be reminded of how the resistor colour code scheme worked, especially for those odd 1% tolerance resistors and their extra bar of complexity. To assist, the Wireless Waffle Resistor Colour Code Calculator or WiWaReCoCo for short, has been developed.

Just click on the link above (or in the links box alongside) and be taken to a mysterious world in which things such as '3.3K' or '4M7' are miraculously translated into different colours. While away those long winter hours seeing if you can work out what to enter to get a fully banana coloured resistor (hint, '4' is yellow), or how to get the stripes of your favourite football team (try 969M for starters).

Fun has never been so mundane!
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