Wireless Waffle - A whole spectrum of radio related rubbish

It's Halloween Hits time againsignal strength
Sunday 31 October, 2021, 11:36 - Much Ado About Nothing
Posted by Administrator
Halloween Hits WitchIt's the time of year to remember that the Wireless Waffle list of 100 Halloween Hits is an ideal list of tracks for any spooky party playlist. The list now extends to over 130 songs and includes many chilling classics, as well as some sinister songs you may have never heard of before on topics such as witches, angels, ghosts, nightmares, devils, monsters, freaks, creeps and more.

If you've never noticed that this eerie little trick or treat is hidden away on the web-site, now is the time that you take a look, but be aware, its ghoulish nature may shiver your timbers to their core. So get out your rosary beads, dress up in a torn white blood-curdling bed sheet, smear your face in terrifying tomato ketchup, and hollow out a panicked pumpkin and put a candle in it and go to the local bar and join the others who are similarly attired.
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